India’s population: 130 Crores
India’s young population (below the age of 25): 65 Crores
Young Indians with “abnormal levels of sugar” in their body 1: 66.11 % i.e 43 Crores
Indians – third-highest number of obese and overweight people.2
11 % adolescents | 20 % adults
Are your children one of THEM? They are very likely to develop #CKD in their early adulthood.
Who can have CKD?
Anyone from your family can develop kidney disease, but one is at more at risk if one has:
• Diabetes
• High blood pressure
• Obesity
• Heart disease
• A hereditary of the kidney disease or the above.
What should a Parent do?
Inform your children. Most importantly get your family’s kidneys tested TODAY in consultation with the family doctor or a Nephrologist. Screen with following investigations at nominal rates at nearby lab.
• Blood Sugar
• S. Creatinine
• Blood Urea Nitrogen
• Urine Microalbumin